Now is better than never.
I was 20 years old, fresh out of university working in my big deal investor reporting job. Wearing the khaki pants and blouses. Hating every minute of what seemed like the most BORING life ever.
My loan portfolio was worth many many zeros, my clients were top tier and I spent my days hunting through lines and lines of data for pennies. One month there was a particular situation where I spent 60 hours hunting for .03 missing cents for my mega bank client.
I looked around and said to myself SURELY there is more to my life then this.
So I decided, now is the time to go and find out.
The next decade was an adventure of epic proportions. Taking me for more education, through major campaign launches, starting agencies, inventing new technology. Oh did I mention I did a whole lot of failing.
For the rest of the backstory go here or if you prefer the official bio hop over here.
some of the clients who I've helped solve digital problems
I am not very risk adverse because I know if you don’t take big actions your cannot expect to have big results. Now with that said, I believe that there is a calculated way to tackle problems.
The formula is art + science. I bring the well earned experience of 100’s of strategy setting sessions, campaign executions, and wrap up post mortems.
I am about 50% business acumen, 30% woowoo and 20% LFG energy.
I tell my clients we might not have the answer when we begin but I am certain we will be able to find it.
BOLD statement, I know. My superpower is taking complicated and difficult systems and making them clear. Removing the ambiguity so that you can push forward towards your ultimate business goals.
It can be simple and I can help you.